<banner>Installation through RPMs recommended</banner> It looks like you are on a Red Hat or CentOS operating system, with <b>SELinux</b> enabled. SELinux is a security mechanism for which special <%= SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME %>-specific configuration is required. We supply this configuration as part of our <%= SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME %> <b>RPMs</b>. However, <%= SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME %> is currently installed through <%= PhusionPassenger.packaging_method_description %> and does not include any SELinux configuration. Therefore, we recommend that you: 1. Uninstall your current <%= SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME %> install. 2. Reinstall <%= SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME %> through the RPMs that we provide: <yellow>https://www.phusionpassenger.com/library/install/apache/yum_repo/</yellow> What would you like to do? <b>Press Ctrl-C to exit this installer so that you can install RPMs (recommended)</b> -OR- <b>Press Enter to continue using this installer anyway</b>